
The gaze of the biblical scholar
Permanent virtual exhibition on the photographic collection of Fr. Bonaventura Ubach restored by Montserrat Abbey and the European Institute of the Mediterranean.


The exhibition initially only shows a small selection of photographs that, progressively, we’ll keep expanding.

Commissariat: Joan Eusebi Garcia Biosca (IEMed) and Àngels Rius i Bou (Biblioteca de Montserrat)

Printing and library at the Montserrat military hospital (1938-1939)

At the beginning of the Civil War (1936-1939) the monks of Montserrat had to flee the monastery and it was confiscated by the Generalitat de Catalunya. From April 1938, until the withdrawal of the republican army in January 1939, the site became a military hospital where recovery workshops were scheduled and, with the help of the poet Manuel Altolaguirre, the soldiers of the ‘XI Eastern Army Corps printed books and newspapers under the seal of Ediciones del Ejército del Este, taking advantage of the magnificent printing press that the monks had left in the monastery.


Commissariat: Àngels Rius i Bou, Biblioteca de Montserrat

Historia 3
Blanco y negro Biblioteca de Montserrat

Digital exhibition Paradisus Montserratensis

The library offers the exhibition “Paradisus Montserratensis: botany in the Library of Montserrat” curated by our librarian, Àngels Rius i Bou, and presented in double format: sample of documents and photographs in the Select Room of the library and virtual sample in through the link


Commissariat: Àngels Rius i Bou, Biblioteca Montserrat